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Established - 17th of August 2020

A Social Club That Runs

During covid a small group of Royal Mills residents got together for regular socially distanced runs that grew into ARC! 

Read Our Story

Our Values

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Our purpose is to give everyone in our neighbourhood the opportunity to run as part of a brilliant group. Everyone is welcome and everyone is supported. We love new runners and veteran runners, social runners and performance runners, and everyone in between.


We're rooted in Ancoats but open to all. We believe in making our area and our city a better place. That means supporting community activities, charitable initiatives and local businesses where it's right that we do.

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We're a social group. We love our members to form new friendships and make local connections. We provide opportunities to do that in a safe, respectful and fun space.


We believe in the benefits of running. We care about physical and mental health, sustainability and the local environment, and making it simple and free access to our group.

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We are passionate about participation and about performance. We will always offer social running opportunities and encourage new and aspiring runners. And we can help high performing runners to fulfil their ambitions, backed by the support of our members.


It's important to us to promote, manage and raise funds for our group responsibly, so we can keep fulfilling our purpose long into the future.

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