How often do you run?
Every day! Early birds can catch our morning runs at 7.15am sharp (we wouldn't want to be responsible for you being late to the office). Or you can catch our evening runs at 6.30pm.
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 7:15am - 1 group runs together 5-6km at around a 6min/km pace.
Tuesdays, Thursdays: 6:30pm - depending on demand and volunteer availability*, we typically have several groups consisting of a social 5k, fast 5k, social 7k, fast 7k and fast 10k.
Saturdays: Once you've caught the bug, why not join some of our seasoned regulars at a local Parkrun?
Sundays: We don't hold an official run on Sundays, but there are often long runs being planned by members working towards races such as 10ks, half marathons and marathons.
*Please note that since the club is run entirely by volunteers, if there was an extenuating circumstance meaning we don't have enough volunteers to lead the run, it would have to be cancelled.
Where do you meet?
We meet next to the bridge in front of the main entrance to Royal Mills, Ancoats. We're a friendly bunch but if you feel unsure who to approach, or have any questions, look out for one of the run leaders in the yellow 'Ancoats Run Club' bib.
Are beginners welcome?
While we aren't a competitive running group and want to make everyone feel welcome, we reccommend that you're able to run a 5km run at a steady pace to join. The social 5k runs 6-minute kilometres, with a couple of breaks. If you're completely new to running, check out the NHS couch to 5k plan.
Am I too slow?
Our motto is, 'no runner is left behind.' If you're unsure what your pace is, we recommend you start with our social 5k run. Whichever distance you do, there'll be a volunteer at the back of the group there to cheer you on and keep you on the right route
Can I bring my dog?
If there's daylight, yes! Please make sure your dog's on a short lead, is well behaved and is used to running with you.
When it's dark (think winter evenings) we ask that you don't bring your dog to group runs. We'd hate for someone to step on your pooch or take a tumble
How much does it cost?
We're completely free! It's important to us to keep the club as accessible as possible for local runners, which is why the one-off membership fee you see on sign up is optional. We run ticketed social events throughout the year, and have a merch store, both of which generate a very modest profit to put back into the club for necessary expenses.
What are your running routes?
Our amazing run leaders have sourced various routes around Manchester with your safety in mind.
Is there somewhere to store my belongings?
Most runners arrive without belongings, and we'd ask you to do the same if you can. However if you're really stuck, you are able to leave belongings at the concierge desk inside Royal Mills, but please be aware that neither ARC not Royal Mills would be responsible for your items and you would be leaving them at your own risk.
Please also check our Code of Conduct