ARC Code of Conduct
Ancoats Run Club (ARC) is a community running club, supporting everyone in our neighbourhood to run and participate in our community. We organise runs, social events and charitable initiatives.
We are a small club and are dependent on the active participation of all our members. The club is run and managed by a small admin committee on a voluntary basis, and we ask that to aid in the growth and success of the club that members help out and support the committee where possible.
The following code of conduct is mainly ‘common sense’ but we encourage all members to read and adopt these principles. As a club member you will:
Respect your run leaders and follow their instructions at all times. ARC is made up of volunteers and club runs could not go ahead without our run leaders. They will have planned routes for you, and will go through them at the start of each run. Please pay attention when your run leader is speaking as healthy and safety information may be provided.
Respect and acknowledge other road and footpath users. Please be cautious of other individuals; while we do have run leaders to keep everyone together, we actively encourage all runners to be aware of what is going on around you. This includes running single file when necessary, showing thanks when given right of way, and slowing down where necessary.
Be aware of the other runners in your group. As a club we want to foster an encouraging and supportive environment. Therefore, please take the time to encourage and support others where you think it may be needed.
Be responsible for your own safety, and warn others if you think they may be at risk. If it’s dark, wear something bright, hi-vis or reflective. Be careful crossing roads and mindful of your influence on others.
Not discriminate. Ancoats Run Club is committed to promoting equality and diversity and valuing every individual, regardless of sex, age, ability, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religious belief, political views, sexuality, neurodiversity or social/economic status.
Treat other members of the club with respect and not engage in any form of harassment, bullying or abuse. Members will be responsible with others’ personal information and not engage in unwanted contact.
Be subject to the complaints and disciplinary process set out in the club’s constitution. We take any complaints or allegations made seriously and will challenge and, where necessary, discipline those who do not follow this policy and take appropriate action. If you have any concerns please speak to the Welfare Officer.
Be supportive of other clubs and their achievements.
If anyone or anything has concerned you, please speak to our Welfare Officer or another member of the committee. We are here to help make sure it is a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
Consider how you can make the running of the club simple and straightforward. This could be ensuring that you renewal your annual membership promptly, give us feedback, or volunteer to be a run leader.